Mini Calculator Logo. Letter Entity Codes: Character Codes for Letters

HTML Letter Codes.

The following table shows the ASCII codes for a diverse range of upper case and lower case letters. Quickly find the codes you need to include just about any kind of letter in your web documents.

Select Your Letter Codes

Description Symbol Unicode Hex Code HTML Code HTML Entity CSS Code
Uppercase AAU+00041AA \0041
Uppercase BBU+00042BB \0042
Uppercase CCU+00043CC \0043
Uppercase DDU+00044DD \0044
Uppercase EEU+00045EE \0045
Uppercase FFU+00046FF \0046
Uppercase GGU+00047GG \0047
Uppercase HHU+00048HH \0048
Uppercase IIU+00049II \0049
Uppercase JJU+0004AJJ \004A
Uppercase KKU+0004BKK \004B
Uppercase LLU+0004CLL \004C
Uppercase MMU+0004DMM \004D
Uppercase NNU+0004ENN \004E
Uppercase OOU+0004FOO \004F
Uppercase PPU+00050PP \0050
Uppercase QQU+00051QQ \0051
Uppercase RRU+00052RR \0052
Uppercase SSU+00053SS \0053
Uppercase TTU+00054TT \0054
Uppercase UUU+00055UU \0055
Uppercase VVU+00056VV \0056
Uppercase WWU+00057WW \0057
Uppercase XXU+00058XX \0058
Uppercase YYU+00059YY \0059
Uppercase ZZU+0005AZZ \005A
Lowercase aaU+00061aa \0061
Lowercase bbU+00062bb \0062
Lowercase ccU+00063cc \0063
Lowercase ddU+00064dd \0064
Lowercase eeU+00065ee \0065
Lowercase ffU+00066ff \0066
Lowercase ggU+00067gg \0067
Lowercase hhU+00068hh \0068
Lowercase iiU+00069ii \0069
Lowercase jjU+0006Ajj \006A
Lowercase kkU+0006Bkk \006B
Lowercase llU+0006Cll \006C
Lowercase mmU+0006Dmm \006D
Lowercase nnU+0006Enn \006E
Lowercase ooU+0006Foo \006F
Lowercase ppU+00070pp \0070
Lowercase qqU+00071qq \0071
Lowercase rrU+00072rr \0072
Lowercase ssU+00073ss \0073
Lowercase ttU+00074tt \0074
Lowercase uuU+00075uu \0075
Lowercase vvU+00076vv \0076
Lowercase wwU+00077ww \0077
Lowercase xxU+00078xx \0078
Lowercase yyU+00079yy \0079
Lowercase zzU+0007Azz \007A
Uppercase A with GraveÀU+000C0ÀÀÀ\00C0
Uppercase A with AcuteÁU+000C1ÁÁÁ\00C1
Uppercase A with CircumflexÂU+000C2ÂÂÂ\00C2
Uppercase A with TildeÃU+000C3ÃÃÃ\00C3
Uppercase A with UmlautÄU+000C4ÄÄÄ\00C4
Uppercase A with RingÅU+000C5ÅÅÅ\00C5
Uppercase AEÆU+000C6ÆÆÆ\00C6
Uppercase C with CedillaÇU+000C7ÇÇÇ\00C7
Uppercase E with GraveÈU+000C8ÈÈÈ\00C8
Uppercase E with AcuteÉU+000C9ÉÉÉ\00C9
Uppercase E with CircumflexÊU+000CAÊÊÊ\00CA
Uppercase E with UmlautËU+000CBËËË\00CB
Uppercase L with GraveÌU+000CCÌÌ&Lgrave;\00CC
Uppercase L with AcuteÍU+000CDÍÍĹ\00CD
Uppercase L with CircumflexÎU+000CEÎÎ&Lcirc;\00CE
Uppercase L with UmlautÏU+000CFÏÏ&Luml;\00CF
Uppercase ETHÐU+000D0ÐÐÐ\00D0
Uppercase N with TildeÑU+000D1ÑÑÑ\00D1
Uppercase O with GraveÒU+000D2ÒÒÒ\00D2
Uppercase O with AcuteÓU+000D3ÓÓÓ\00D3
Uppercase O with CircumflexÔU+000D4ÔÔÔ\00D4
Uppercase O with TildeÕU+000D5ÕÕÕ\00D5
Uppercase O with UmlautÖU+000D6ÖÖÖ\00D6
Uppercase O with SlashØU+000D8ØØØ\00D8
Uppercase U with GraveÙU+000D9ÙÙÙ\00D9
Uppercase U with AcuteÚU+000DAÚÚÚ\00DA
Uppercase U with CircumflexÛU+000DBÛÛÛ\00DB
Uppercase U with UmlautÜU+000DCÜÜÜ\00DC
Uppercase Y with AcuteÝU+000DDÝÝÝ\00DD
Uppercase THORNÞU+000DEÞÞÞ\00DE
Lowercase ess-zedßU+000DFßßß\00DF
Lowercase a with GraveàU+000E0ààà\00E0
Lowercase a with AcuteáU+000E1ááá\00E1
Lowercase a with CircumflexâU+000E2âââ\00E2
Lowercase a with TildeãU+000E3ããã\00E3
Lowercase a with UmlautäU+000E4äää\00E4
Lowercase a with RingåU+000E5ååå\00E5
Lowercase aeæU+000E6æææ\00E6
Lowercase c with CedillaçU+000E7ççç\00E7
Lowercase e with GraveèU+000E8èèè\00E8
Lowercase e with AcuteéU+000E9ééé\00E9
Lowercase e with CircumflexêU+000EAêêê\00EA
Lowercase e with UmlautëU+000EBëëë\00EB
Lowercase i with GraveìU+000ECììì\00EC
Lowercase i with AcuteíU+000EDííí\00ED
Lowercase i with CircumflexîU+000EEîîî\00EE
Lowercase i with UmlautïU+000EFïïï\00EF
Lowercase ethðU+000F0ððð\00F0
Lowercase n with TildeñU+000F1ñññ\00F1
Lowercase o with GraveòU+000F2òòò\00F2
Lowercase o with AcuteóU+000F3óóó\00F3
Lowercase o with CircumflexôU+000F4ôôô\00F4
Lowercase o with TildeõU+000F5õõõ\00F5
Lowercase o with UmlautöU+000F6ööö\00F6
Lowercase o with SlashøU+000F8øøø\00F8
Lowercase u with GraveùU+000F9ùùù\00F9
Lowercase u with AcuteúU+000FAúúú\00FA
Lowercase u with CircumflexûU+000FBûûû\00FB
Lowercase u with UmlautüU+000FCüüü\00FC
Lowercase y with AcuteýU+000FDýýý\00FD
Lowercase thornþU+000FEþþþ\00FE
Lowercase y with UmlautÿU+000FFÿÿÿ\00FF
Uppercase a With MacronĀU+00100ĀĀĀ\0100
Lowercase a With MacronāU+00101āāā\0101
Uppercase a With BreveĂU+00102ĂĂĂ\0102
Lowercase a With BreveăU+00103ăăă\0103
Uppercase a With OgonekĄU+00104ĄĄĄ\0104
Lowercase a With OgonekąU+00105ąąą\0105
Uppercase C With AcuteĆU+00106ĆĆĆ\0106
Lowercase C With AcutećU+00107ććć\0107
Uppercase C With CircumflexĈU+00108ĈĈĈ\0108
Lowercase C With CircumflexĉU+00109ĉĉĉ\0109
Uppercase C With Dot AboveĊU+0010AĊĊĊ\010A
Lowercase C With Dot AboveċU+0010Bċċċ\010B
Uppercase C With CaronČU+0010CČČČ\010C
Lowercase C With CarončU+0010Dččč\010D
Uppercase D With CaronĎU+0010EĎĎĎ\010E
Lowercase D With CaronďU+0010Fďďď\010F
Uppercase D With StrokeĐU+00110ĐĐĐ\0110
Lowercase D With StrokeđU+00111đđđ\0111
Uppercase E With MacronĒU+00112ĒĒĒ\0112
Lowercase E With MacronēU+00113ēēē\0113
Uppercase E With BreveĔU+00114ĔĔ \0114
Lowercase E With BreveĕU+00115ĕĕ \0115
Uppercase E With Dot AboveĖU+00116ĖĖĖ\0116
Lowercase E With Dot AboveėU+00117ėėė\0117
Uppercase E With OgonekĘU+00118ĘĘĘ\0118
Lowercase E With OgonekęU+00119ęęę\0119
Uppercase E With CaronĚU+0011AĚĚĚ\011A
Lowercase E With CaroněU+0011Běěě\011B
Uppercase G With CircumflexĜU+0011CĜĜĜ\011C
Lowercase G With CircumflexĝU+0011Dĝĝĝ\011D
Uppercase G With BreveĞU+0011EĞĞĞ\011E
Lowercase G With BreveğU+0011Fğğğ\011F
Uppercase G With Dot AboveĠU+00120ĠĠĠ\0120
Lowercase G With Dot AboveġU+00121ġġġ\0121
Uppercase G With CedillaĢU+00122ĢĢĢ\0122
Lowercase G With CedillaģU+00123ģģ \0123
Uppercase H With CircumflexĤU+00124ĤĤĤ\0124
Lowercase H With CircumflexĥU+00125ĥĥĥ\0125
Uppercase H With StrokeĦU+00126ĦĦĦ\0126
Lowercase H With StrokeħU+00127ħħħ\0127
Uppercase I With TildeĨU+00128ĨĨĨ\0128
Lowercase I With TildeĩU+00129ĩĩĩ\0129
Uppercase I With MacronĪU+0012AĪĪĪ\012A
Lowercase I With MacronīU+0012Bīīī\012B
Uppercase I With BreveĬU+0012CĬĬ \012C
Lowercase I With BreveĭU+0012Dĭĭ \012D
Uppercase I With OgonekĮU+0012EĮĮĮ\012E
Lowercase I With OgonekįU+0012Fįįį\012F
Uppercase I With Dot AboveİU+00130İİİ\0130
Lowercase Dotless IıU+00131ııı\0131
Latin Capital Ligature IjIJU+00132IJIJIJ\0132
Latin Small Ligature IjijU+00133ijijij\0133
Uppercase J With CircumflexĴU+00134ĴĴĴ\0134
Lowercase J With CircumflexĵU+00135ĵĵĵ\0135
Uppercase K With CedillaĶU+00136ĶĶĶ\0136
Lowercase K With CedillaķU+00137ķķķ\0137
Lowercase KraĸU+00138ĸĸĸ\0138
Uppercase L With AcuteĹU+00139ĹĹĹ\0139
Lowercase L With AcuteĺU+0013Aĺĺĺ\013A
Uppercase L With CedillaĻU+0013BĻĻĻ\013B
Lowercase L With CedillaļU+0013Cļļļ\013C
Uppercase L With CaronĽU+0013DĽĽĽ\013D
Lowercase L With CaronľU+0013Eľľľ\013E
Uppercase L With Middle DotĿU+0013FĿĿĿ\013F
Lowercase L With Middle DotŀU+00140ŀŀŀ\0140
Uppercase L With StrokeŁU+00141ŁŁŁ\0141
Lowercase L With StrokełU+00142łłł\0142
Uppercase N With AcuteŃU+00143ŃŃŃ\0143
Lowercase N With AcuteńU+00144ńńń\0144
Uppercase N With CedillaŅU+00145ŅŅŅ\0145
Lowercase N With CedillaņU+00146ņņņ\0146
Uppercase N With CaronŇU+00147ŇŇŇ\0147
Lowercase N With CaronňU+00148ňňň\0148
Lowercase N Preceded by ApostropheʼnU+00149ʼnʼnʼn\0149
Uppercase EngŊU+0014AŊŊŊ\014A
Lowercase EngŋU+0014Bŋŋŋ\014B
Uppercase O With MacronŌU+0014CŌŌŌ\014C
Lowercase O With MacronōU+0014Dōōō\014D
Uppercase O With BreveŎU+0014EŎŎ \014E
Lowercase O With BreveŏU+0014Fŏŏ \014F
Uppercase O With Double AcuteŐU+00150ŐŐŐ\0150
Lowercase O With Double AcuteőU+00151őőő\0151
Uppercase Ligature OEŒU+00152ŒŒŒ\0152
Lowercase Ligature oeœU+00153œœœ\0153
Uppercase R With AcuteŔU+00154ŔŔŔ\0154
Lowercase R With AcuteŕU+00155ŕŕŕ\0155
Uppercase R With CedillaŖU+00156ŖŖŖ\0156
Lowercase R With CedillaŗU+00157ŗŗŗ\0157
Uppercase R With CaronŘU+00158ŘŘŘ\0158
Lowercase R With CaronřU+00159řřř\0159
Uppercase S With AcuteŚU+0015AŚŚŚ\015A
Lowercase S With AcuteśU+0015Bśśś\015B
Uppercase S With CircumflexŜU+0015CŜŜŜ\015C
Lowercase S With CircumflexŝU+0015Dŝŝŝ\015D
Uppercase S With CedillaŞU+0015EŞŞŞ\015E
Lowercase S With CedillaşU+0015Fşşş\015F
Uppercase S With CaronŠU+00160ŠŠŠ\0160
Lowercase S With CaronšU+00161ššš\0161
Uppercase T With CedillaŢU+00162ŢŢŢ\0162
Lowercase T With CedillaţU+00163ţţţ\0163
Uppercase T With CaronŤU+00164ŤŤŤ\0164
Lowercase T With CaronťU+00165ťťť\0165
Uppercase T With StrokeŦU+00166ŦŦŦ\0166
Lowercase T With StrokeŧU+00167ŧŧŧ\0167
Uppercase U With TildeŨU+00168ŨŨŨ\0168
Lowercase U With TildeũU+00169ũũũ\0169
Uppercase U With MacronŪU+0016AŪŪŪ\016A
Lowercase U With MacronūU+0016Būūū\016B
Uppercase U With BreveŬU+0016CŬŬŬ\016C
Lowercase U With BreveŭU+0016Dŭŭŭ\016D
Uppercase U With Ring AboveŮU+0016EŮŮŮ\016E
Lowercase U With Ring AboveůU+0016Fůůů\016F
Uppercase U With Double AcuteŰU+00170ŰŰŰ\0170
Lowercase U With Double AcuteűU+00171űűű\0171
Uppercase U With OgonekŲU+00172ŲŲŲ\0172
Lowercase U With OgonekųU+00173ųųų\0173
Uppercase W With CircumflexŴU+00174ŴŴŴ\0174
Lowercase W With CircumflexŵU+00175ŵŵŵ\0175
Uppercase Y With CircumflexŶU+00176ŶŶŶ\0176
Lowercase Y With CircumflexŷU+00177ŷŷŷ\0177
Uppercase Y With DiaeresisŸU+00178ŸŸŸ\0178
Uppercase Z With AcuteŹU+00179ŹŹŹ\0179
Lowercase Z With AcuteźU+0017Aźźź\017A
Uppercase Z With Dot AboveŻU+0017BŻŻŻ\017B
Lowercase Z With Dot AboveżU+0017Cżżż\017C
Uppercase Z With CaronŽU+0017DŽŽŽ\017D
Lowercase Z With CaronžU+0017Ežžž\017E
Lowercase Long SſU+0017Fſſ \017F
Lowercase B With StrokeƀU+00180ƀƀ \0180
Uppercase B With HookƁU+00181ƁƁ \0181
Uppercase B With TopbarƂU+00182ƂƂ \0182
Lowercase B With TopbarƃU+00183ƃƃ \0183
Uppercase Tone SixƄU+00184ƄƄ \0184
Lowercase Tone SixƅU+00185ƅƅ \0185
Uppercase Open OƆU+00186ƆƆ \0186
Uppercase C With HookƇU+00187ƇƇ \0187
Lowercase C With HookƈU+00188ƈƈ \0188
Uppercase African DƉU+00189ƉƉ \0189
Uppercase D With HookƊU+0018AƊƊ \018A
Uppercase D With TopbarƋU+0018BƋƋ \018B
Lowercase D With TopbarƌU+0018Cƌƌ \018C
Lowercase Turned DeltaƍU+0018Dƍƍ \018D
Uppercase Reversed EƎU+0018EƎƎ \018E
Uppercase SchwaƏU+0018FƏƏ \018F
Uppercase Open EƐU+00190ƐƐ \0190
Uppercase F With HookƑU+00191ƑƑ \0191
Lowercase F With HookƒU+00192ƒƒ \0192
Uppercase G With HookƓU+00193ƓƓ \0193
Uppercase GammaƔU+00194ƔƔ \0194
Lowercase HvƕU+00195ƕƕ \0195
Uppercase IotaƖU+00196ƖƖ \0196
Uppercase I With StrokeƗU+00197ƗƗ \0197
Uppercase K With HookƘU+00198ƘƘ \0198
Lowercase K With HookƙU+00199ƙƙ \0199
Lowercase L With BarƚU+0019Aƚƚ \019A
Lowercase Lambda With StrokeƛU+0019Bƛƛ \019B
Uppercase Turned MƜU+0019CƜƜ \019C
Uppercase N With Left HookƝU+0019DƝƝ \019D
Lowercase N With Long Right LegƞU+0019Eƞƞ \019E
Uppercase O With Middle TildeƟU+0019FƟƟ \019F
Uppercase O With HornƠU+001A0ƠƠ \01A0
Lowercase O With HornơU+001A1ơơ \01A1
Uppercase OiƢU+001A2ƢƢ \01A2
Lowercase OiƣU+001A3ƣƣ \01A3
Uppercase P With HookƤU+001A4ƤƤ \01A4
Lowercase P With HookƥU+001A5ƥƥ \01A5
Latin Letter YrƦU+001A6ƦƦ \01A6
Uppercase Tone TwoƧU+001A7ƧƧ \01A7
Lowercase Tone TwoƨU+001A8ƨƨ \01A8
Uppercase EshƩU+001A9ƩƩ \01A9
Latin Letter Reversed Esh LoopƪU+001AAƪƪ \01AA
Lowercase T With Palatal HookƫU+001ABƫƫ \01AB
Uppercase T With HookƬU+001ACƬƬ \01AC
Lowercase T With HookƭU+001ADƭƭ \01AD
Uppercase T With Retroflex HookƮU+001AEƮƮ \01AE
Uppercase U With HornƯU+001AFƯƯ \01AF
Lowercase U With HornưU+001B0ưư \01B0
Uppercase UpsilonƱU+001B1ƱƱ \01B1
Uppercase v With HookƲU+001B2ƲƲ \01B2
Uppercase Y With HookƳU+001B3ƳƳ \01B3
Lowercase Y With HookƴU+001B4ƴƴ \01B4
Uppercase Z With StrokeƵU+001B5ƵƵ \01B5
Lowercase Z With StrokeƶU+001B6ƶƶ \01B6
Uppercase EzhƷU+001B7ƷƷ \01B7
Uppercase Ezh ReversedƸU+001B8ƸƸ \01B8
Lowercase Ezh ReversedƹU+001B9ƹƹ \01B9
Lowercase Ezh With TailƺU+001BAƺƺ \01BA
Latin Letter Two With StrokeƻU+001BBƻƻ \01BB
Uppercase Tone FiveƼU+001BCƼƼ \01BC
Lowercase Tone FiveƽU+001BDƽƽ \01BD
Latin Letter Inverted Glottal Stop With StrokeƾU+001BEƾƾ \01BE
Latin Letter WynnƿU+001BFƿƿ \01BF
Latin Letter Dental ClickǀU+001C0ǀǀ \01C0
Latin Letter Lateral ClickǁU+001C1ǁǁ \01C1
Latin Letter Alveolar ClickǂU+001C2ǂǂ \01C2
Latin Letter Retroflex ClickǃU+001C3ǃǃ \01C3
Uppercase Dz With CaronDŽU+001C4DŽDŽ \01C4
Uppercase D With Small Letter Z With CaronDžU+001C5DžDž \01C5
Lowercase Dz With CarondžU+001C6dždž \01C6
Uppercase LjLJU+001C7LJLJ \01C7
Uppercase L With Small Letter JLjU+001C8LjLj \01C8
Lowercase LjljU+001C9ljlj \01C9
Uppercase NjNJU+001CANJNJ \01CA
Uppercase N With Small Letter JNjU+001CBNjNj \01CB
Lowercase NjnjU+001CCnjnj \01CC
Uppercase a With CaronǍU+001CDǍǍ \01CD
Lowercase a With CaronǎU+001CEǎǎ \01CE
Uppercase I With CaronǏU+001CFǏǏ \01CF
Lowercase I With CaronǐU+001D0ǐǐ \01D0
Uppercase O With CaronǑU+001D1ǑǑ \01D1
Lowercase O With CaronǒU+001D2ǒǒ \01D2
Uppercase U With CaronǓU+001D3ǓǓ \01D3
Lowercase U With CaronǔU+001D4ǔǔ \01D4
Uppercase U With Diaeresis and MacronǕU+001D5ǕǕ \01D5
Lowercase U With Diaeresis and MacronǖU+001D6ǖǖ \01D6
Uppercase U With Diaeresis and AcuteǗU+001D7ǗǗ \01D7
Lowercase U With Diaeresis and AcuteǘU+001D8ǘǘ \01D8
Uppercase U With Diaeresis and CaronǙU+001D9ǙǙ \01D9
Lowercase U With Diaeresis and CaronǚU+001DAǚǚ \01DA
Uppercase U With Diaeresis and GraveǛU+001DBǛǛ \01DB
Lowercase U With Diaeresis and GraveǜU+001DCǜǜ \01DC
Lowercase Turned EǝU+001DDǝǝ \01DD
Uppercase a With Diaeresis and MacronǞU+001DEǞǞ \01DE
Lowercase a With Diaeresis and MacronǟU+001DFǟǟ \01DF
Uppercase a With Dot Above and MacronǠU+001E0ǠǠ \01E0
Lowercase a With Dot Above and MacronǡU+001E1ǡǡ \01E1
Uppercase Ae With MacronǢU+001E2ǢǢ \01E2
Lowercase Ae With MacronǣU+001E3ǣǣ \01E3
Uppercase G With StrokeǤU+001E4ǤǤ \01E4
Lowercase G With StrokeǥU+001E5ǥǥ \01E5
Uppercase G With CaronǦU+001E6ǦǦ \01E6
Lowercase G With CaronǧU+001E7ǧǧ \01E7
Uppercase K With CaronǨU+001E8ǨǨ \01E8
Lowercase K With CaronǩU+001E9ǩǩ \01E9
Uppercase O With OgonekǪU+001EAǪǪ \01EA
Lowercase O With OgonekǫU+001EBǫǫ \01EB
Uppercase O With Ogonek and MacronǬU+001ECǬǬ \01EC
Lowercase O With Ogonek and MacronǭU+001EDǭǭ \01ED
Uppercase Ezh With CaronǮU+001EEǮǮ \01EE
Lowercase Ezh With CaronǯU+001EFǯǯ \01EF
Lowercase J With CaronǰU+001F0ǰǰ \01F0
Uppercase DzDZU+001F1DZDZ \01F1
Uppercase D With Small Letter ZDzU+001F2DzDz \01F2
Lowercase DzdzU+001F3dzdz \01F3
Uppercase G With AcuteǴU+001F4ǴǴ \01F4
Lowercase G With AcuteǵU+001F5ǵǵ \01F5
Uppercase HwairǶU+001F6ǶǶ \01F6
Uppercase WynnǷU+001F7ǷǷ \01F7
Uppercase N With GraveǸU+001F8ǸǸ \01F8
Lowercase N With GraveǹU+001F9ǹǹ \01F9
Uppercase a With Ring Above and AcuteǺU+001FAǺǺ \01FA
Lowercase a With Ring Above and AcuteǻU+001FBǻǻ \01FB
Uppercase Ae With AcuteǼU+001FCǼǼ \01FC
Lowercase Ae With AcuteǽU+001FDǽǽ \01FD
Uppercase O With Stroke and AcuteǾU+001FEǾǾ \01FE
Lowercase O With Stroke and AcuteǿU+001FFǿǿ \01FF
Uppercase a With Double GraveȀU+00200ȀȀ \0200
Lowercase a With Double GraveȁU+00201ȁȁ \0201
Uppercase a With Inverted BreveȂU+00202ȂȂ \0202
Lowercase a With Inverted BreveȃU+00203ȃȃ \0203
Uppercase E With Double GraveȄU+00204ȄȄ \0204
Lowercase E With Double GraveȅU+00205ȅȅ \0205
Uppercase E With Inverted BreveȆU+00206ȆȆ \0206
Lowercase E With Inverted BreveȇU+00207ȇȇ \0207
Uppercase I With Double GraveȈU+00208ȈȈ \0208
Lowercase I With Double GraveȉU+00209ȉȉ \0209
Uppercase I With Inverted BreveȊU+0020AȊȊ \020A
Lowercase I With Inverted BreveȋU+0020Bȋȋ \020B
Uppercase O With Double GraveȌU+0020CȌȌ \020C
Lowercase O With Double GraveȍU+0020Dȍȍ \020D
Uppercase O With Inverted BreveȎU+0020EȎȎ \020E
Lowercase O With Inverted BreveȏU+0020Fȏȏ \020F
Uppercase R With Double GraveȐU+00210ȐȐ \0210
Lowercase R With Double GraveȑU+00211ȑȑ \0211
Uppercase R With Inverted BreveȒU+00212ȒȒ \0212
Lowercase R With Inverted BreveȓU+00213ȓȓ \0213
Uppercase U With Double GraveȔU+00214ȔȔ \0214
Lowercase U With Double GraveȕU+00215ȕȕ \0215
Uppercase U With Inverted BreveȖU+00216ȖȖ \0216
Lowercase U With Inverted BreveȗU+00217ȗȗ \0217
Uppercase S With Comma BelowȘU+00218ȘȘ \0218
Lowercase S With Comma BelowșU+00219șș \0219
Uppercase T With Comma BelowȚU+0021AȚȚ \021A
Lowercase T With Comma BelowțU+0021Bțț \021B
Uppercase YoghȜU+0021CȜȜ \021C
Lowercase YoghȝU+0021Dȝȝ \021D
Uppercase H With CaronȞU+0021EȞȞ \021E
Lowercase H With CaronȟU+0021Fȟȟ \021F
Uppercase N With Long Right LegȠU+00220ȠȠ \0220
Lowercase D With CurlȡU+00221ȡȡ \0221
Uppercase OuȢU+00222ȢȢ \0222
Lowercase OuȣU+00223ȣȣ \0223
Uppercase Z With HookȤU+00224ȤȤ \0224
Lowercase Z With HookȥU+00225ȥȥ \0225
Uppercase a With Dot AboveȦU+00226ȦȦ \0226
Lowercase a With Dot AboveȧU+00227ȧȧ \0227
Uppercase E With CedillaȨU+00228ȨȨ \0228
Lowercase E With CedillaȩU+00229ȩȩ \0229
Uppercase O With Diaeresis and MacronȪU+0022AȪȪ \022A
Lowercase O With Diaeresis and MacronȫU+0022Bȫȫ \022B
Uppercase O With Tilde and MacronȬU+0022CȬȬ \022C
Lowercase O With Tilde and MacronȭU+0022Dȭȭ \022D
Uppercase O With Dot AboveȮU+0022EȮȮ \022E
Lowercase O With Dot AboveȯU+0022Fȯȯ \022F
Uppercase O With Dot Above and MacronȰU+00230ȰȰ \0230
Lowercase O With Dot Above and MacronȱU+00231ȱȱ \0231
Uppercase Y With MacronȲU+00232ȲȲ \0232
Lowercase Y With MacronȳU+00233ȳȳ \0233
Lowercase L With CurlȴU+00234ȴȴ \0234
Lowercase N With CurlȵU+00235ȵȵ \0235
Lowercase T With CurlȶU+00236ȶȶ \0236
Lowercase Dotless JȷU+00237ȷȷ \0237
Lowercase Db DigraphȸU+00238ȸȸ \0238
Lowercase Qp DigraphȹU+00239ȹȹ \0239
Uppercase a With StrokeȺU+0023AȺȺ \023A
Uppercase C With StrokeȻU+0023BȻȻ \023B
Lowercase C With StrokeȼU+0023Cȼȼ \023C
Uppercase L With BarȽU+0023DȽȽ \023D
Uppercase T With Diagonal StrokeȾU+0023EȾȾ \023E
Lowercase S With Swash TailȿU+0023Fȿȿ \023F
Lowercase Z With Swash TailɀU+00240ɀɀ \0240
Uppercase Glottal StopɁU+00241ɁɁ \0241
Lowercase Glottal StopɂU+00242ɂɂ \0242
Uppercase B With StrokeɃU+00243ɃɃ \0243
Uppercase U BarɄU+00244ɄɄ \0244
Uppercase Turned VɅU+00245ɅɅ \0245
Uppercase E With StrokeɆU+00246ɆɆ \0246
Lowercase E With StrokeɇU+00247ɇɇ \0247
Uppercase J With StrokeɈU+00248ɈɈ \0248
Lowercase J With StrokeɉU+00249ɉɉ \0249
Uppercase Small Q With Hook TailɊU+0024AɊɊ \024A
Lowercase Q With Hook TailɋU+0024Bɋɋ \024B
Uppercase R With StrokeɌU+0024CɌɌ \024C
Lowercase R With StrokeɍU+0024Dɍɍ \024D
Uppercase Y With StrokeɎU+0024EɎɎ \024E
Lowercase Y With StrokeɏU+0024Fɏɏ \024F
Lowercase Turned AɐU+00250ɐɐ \0250
Lowercase AlphaɑU+00251ɑɑ \0251
Lowercase Turned AlphaɒU+00252ɒɒ \0252
Lowercase B With HookɓU+00253ɓɓ \0253
Lowercase Open OɔU+00254ɔɔ \0254
Lowercase C With CurlɕU+00255ɕɕ \0255
Lowercase D With TailɖU+00256ɖɖ \0256
Lowercase D With HookɗU+00257ɗɗ \0257
Lowercase Reversed EɘU+00258ɘɘ \0258
Lowercase SchwaəU+00259əə \0259
Lowercase Schwa With HookɚU+0025Aɚɚ \025A
Lowercase Open EɛU+0025Bɛɛ \025B
Lowercase Reversed Open EɜU+0025Cɜɜ \025C
Lowercase Reversed Open E With HookɝU+0025Dɝɝ \025D
Lowercase Closed Reversed Open EɞU+0025Eɞɞ \025E
Lowercase Dotless J With StrokeɟU+0025Fɟɟ \025F
Lowercase G With HookɠU+00260ɠɠ \0260
Lowercase Script GɡU+00261ɡɡ \0261
Latin Letter Small Capital GɢU+00262ɢɢ \0262
Lowercase GammaɣU+00263ɣɣ \0263
Lowercase Rams HornɤU+00264ɤɤ \0264
Lowercase Turned HɥU+00265ɥɥ \0265
Lowercase H With HookɦU+00266ɦɦ \0266
Lowercase Heng With HookɧU+00267ɧɧ \0267
Lowercase I With StrokeɨU+00268ɨɨ \0268
Lowercase IotaɩU+00269ɩɩ \0269
Latin Letter Small Capital IɪU+0026Aɪɪ \026A
Lowercase L With Middle TildeɫU+0026Bɫɫ \026B
Lowercase L With BeltɬU+0026Cɬɬ \026C
Lowercase L With Retroflex HookɭU+0026Dɭɭ \026D
Lowercase LezhɮU+0026Eɮɮ \026E
Lowercase Turned MɯU+0026Fɯɯ \026F
Lowercase Turned M With Long LegɰU+00270ɰɰ \0270
Lowercase M With HookɱU+00271ɱɱ \0271
Lowercase N With Left HookɲU+00272ɲɲ \0272
Lowercase N With Retroflex HookɳU+00273ɳɳ \0273
Latin Letter Small Capital NɴU+00274ɴɴ \0274
Lowercase Barred OɵU+00275ɵɵ \0275
Latin Letter Small Capital OeɶU+00276ɶɶ \0276
Lowercase Closed OmegaɷU+00277ɷɷ \0277
Lowercase PhiɸU+00278ɸɸ \0278
Lowercase Turned RɹU+00279ɹɹ \0279
Lowercase Turned R With Long LegɺU+0027Aɺɺ \027A
Lowercase Turned R With HookɻU+0027Bɻɻ \027B
Lowercase R With Long LegɼU+0027Cɼɼ \027C
Lowercase R With TailɽU+0027Dɽɽ \027D
Lowercase R With FishhookɾU+0027Eɾɾ \027E
Lowercase Reversed R With FishhookɿU+0027Fɿɿ \027F
Latin Letter Small Capital RʀU+00280ʀʀ \0280
Latin Letter Small Capital Inverted RʁU+00281ʁʁ \0281
Lowercase S With HookʂU+00282ʂʂ \0282
Lowercase EshʃU+00283ʃʃ \0283
Lowercase Dotless J With Stroke and HookʄU+00284ʄʄ \0284
Lowercase Squat Reversed EshʅU+00285ʅʅ \0285
Lowercase Esh With CurlʆU+00286ʆʆ \0286
Lowercase Turned TʇU+00287ʇʇ \0287
Lowercase T With Retroflex HookʈU+00288ʈʈ \0288
Lowercase U BarʉU+00289ʉʉ \0289
Lowercase UpsilonʊU+0028Aʊʊ \028A
Lowercase v With HookʋU+0028Bʋʋ \028B
Lowercase Turned VʌU+0028Cʌʌ \028C
Lowercase Turned WʍU+0028Dʍʍ \028D
Lowercase Turned YʎU+0028Eʎʎ \028E
Latin Letter Small Capital YʏU+0028Fʏʏ \028F
Lowercase Z With Retroflex HookʐU+00290ʐʐ \0290
Lowercase Z With CurlʑU+00291ʑʑ \0291
Lowercase EzhʒU+00292ʒʒ \0292
Lowercase Ezh With CurlʓU+00293ʓʓ \0293
Latin Letter Glottal StopʔU+00294ʔʔ \0294
Latin Letter Pharyngeal Voiced FricativeʕU+00295ʕʕ \0295
Latin Letter Inverted Glottal StopʖU+00296ʖʖ \0296
Latin Letter Stretched CʗU+00297ʗʗ \0297
Latin Letter Bilabial ClickʘU+00298ʘʘ \0298
Latin Letter Small Capital BʙU+00299ʙʙ \0299
Lowercase Closed Open EʚU+0029Aʚʚ \029A
Latin Letter Small Capital G With HookʛU+0029Bʛʛ \029B
Latin Letter Small Capital HʜU+0029Cʜʜ \029C
Lowercase J With Crossed-TailʝU+0029Dʝʝ \029D
Lowercase Turned KʞU+0029Eʞʞ \029E
Latin Letter Small Capital LʟU+0029Fʟʟ \029F
Lowercase Q With HookʠU+002A0ʠʠ \02A0
Latin Letter Glottal Stop With StrokeʡU+002A1ʡʡ \02A1
Latin Letter Reversed Glottal Stop With StrokeʢU+002A2ʢʢ \02A2
Lowercase Dz DigraphʣU+002A3ʣʣ \02A3
Lowercase Dezh DigraphʤU+002A4ʤʤ \02A4
Lowercase Dz Digraph With CurlʥU+002A5ʥʥ \02A5
Lowercase Ts DigraphʦU+002A6ʦʦ \02A6
Lowercase Tesh DigraphʧU+002A7ʧʧ \02A7
Lowercase Tc Digraph With CurlʨU+002A8ʨʨ \02A8
Lowercase Feng DigraphʩU+002A9ʩʩ \02A9
Lowercase Ls DigraphʪU+002AAʪʪ \02AA
Lowercase Lz DigraphʫU+002ABʫʫ \02AB
Lowercase Bilabial PercussiveʬU+002ACʬʬ \02AC
Lowercase Bidental PercussiveʭU+002ADʭʭ \02AD
Lowercase Turned H With FishhookʮU+002AEʮʮ \02AE
Lowercase Turned H With Fishhook and TailʯU+002AFʯʯ \02AF
Combining Grave Accent̀U+00300̀̀ \0300
Combining Acute Accent́U+00301́́ \0301
Combining Circumflex Accent̂U+00302̂̂ \0302
Combining TildẽU+00303̃̃ \0303
Combining Macron̄U+00304̄̄ \0304
Combining Overline̅U+00305̅̅ \0305
Combining BrevĕU+00306̆̆ \0306
Combining Dot AbovėU+00307̇̇ \0307
Combining Diaeresis̈U+00308̈̈ \0308
Combining Hook AbovẻU+00309̉̉ \0309
Combining Ring Above̊U+0030Å̊ \030A
Combining Double Acute Accent̋U+0030B̋̋ \030B
Combining CaroňU+0030Č̌ \030C
Combining Vertical Line Above̍U+0030D̍̍ \030D
Combining Double Vertical Line Above̎U+0030E̎̎ \030E
Combining Double Grave Accent̏U+0030F̏̏ \030F
Combining Candrabindu̐U+00310̐̐ \0310
Combining Inverted BrevȇU+00311̑̑̑\0311
Combining Turned Comma Above̒U+00312̒̒ \0312
Combining Comma Above̓U+00313̓̓ \0313
Combining Reversed Comma Above̔U+00314̔̔ \0314
Combining Comma Above Right̕U+00315̕̕ \0315
Combining Grave Accent Below̖U+00316̖̖ \0316
Combining Acute Accent Below̗U+00317̗̗ \0317
Combining Left Tack Below̘U+00318̘̘ \0318
Combining Right Tack Below̙U+00319̙̙ \0319
Combining Left Angle Above̚U+0031A̚̚ \031A
Combining Horn̛U+0031B̛̛ \031B
Combining Left Half Ring Below̜U+0031C̜̜ \031C
Combining Up Tack Below̝U+0031D̝̝ \031D
Combining Down Tack Below̞U+0031E̞̞ \031E
Combining Plus Sign Below̟U+0031F̟̟ \031F
Combining Minus Sign Below̠U+00320̠̠ \0320
Combining Palatalized Hook Below̡U+00321̡̡ \0321
Combining Retroflex Hook Below̢U+00322̢̢ \0322
Combining Dot BeloẉU+00323̣̣ \0323
Combining Diaeresis Below̤U+00324̤̤ \0324
Combining Ring Below̥U+00325̥̥ \0325
Combining Comma Below̦U+00326̦̦ \0326
Combining Cedilla̧U+00327̧̧ \0327
Combining Ogonek̨U+00328̨̨ \0328
Combining Vertical Line Below̩U+00329̩̩ \0329
Combining Bridge Below̪U+0032A̪̪ \032A
Combining Inverted Double Arch Below̫U+0032B̫̫ \032B
Combining Caron Below̬U+0032C̬̬ \032C
Combining Circumflex Accent Below̭U+0032Ḓ̭ \032D
Combining Breve Below̮U+0032E̮̮ \032E
Combining Inverted Breve Below̯U+0032F̯̯ \032F
Combining Tilde Below̰U+00330̰̰ \0330
Combining Macron Below̱U+00331̱̱ \0331
Combining Low Line̲U+00332̲̲ \0332
Combining Double Low Line̳U+00333̳̳ \0333
Combining Tilde Overlay̴U+00334̴̴ \0334
Combining Short Stroke Overlay̵U+00335̵̵ \0335
Combining Long Stroke Overlay̶U+00336̶̶ \0336
Combining Short Solidus Overlay̷U+00337̷̷ \0337
Combining Long Solidus OverlayU+00338̸̸ \0338
Combining Right Half Ring Below̹U+00339̹̹ \0339
Combining Inverted Bridge Below̺U+0033A̺̺ \033A
Combining Square Below̻U+0033B̻̻ \033B
Combining Seagull Below̼U+0033C̼̼ \033C
Combining X Above̽U+0033D̽̽ \033D
Combining Vertical Tilde̾U+0033E̾̾ \033E
Combining Double Overline̿U+0033F̿̿ \033F
Combining Grave Tone Mark̀U+00340̀̀ \0340
Combining Acute Tone MarḱU+00341́́ \0341
Combining Greek Perispomeni͂U+00342͂͂ \0342
Combining Greek Koronis̓U+00343̓̓ \0343
Combining Greek Dialytika Tonos̈́U+00344̈́̈́ \0344
Combining Greek YpogegrammeniͅU+00345ͅͅ \0345
Combining Bridge Above͆U+00346͆͆ \0346
Combining Equals Sign Below͇U+00347͇͇ \0347
Combining Double Vertical Line Below͈U+00348͈͈ \0348
Combining Left Angle Below͉U+00349͉͉ \0349
Combining Not Tilde Above͊U+0034A͊͊ \034A
Combining Homothetic Above͋U+0034B͋͋ \034B
Combining Almost Equal to Above͌U+0034C͌͌ \034C
Combining Left Right Arrow Below͍U+0034D͍͍ \034D
Combining Up Arrow Below͎U+0034E͎͎ \034E
Combining Grapheme Joiner͏U+0034F͏͏ \034F
Combining Right Arrowhead Above͐U+00350͐͐ \0350
Combining Left Half Ring Above͑U+00351͑͑ \0351
Combining Fermata͒U+00352͒͒ \0352
Combining X Below͓U+00353͓͓ \0353
Combining Left Arrowhead Below͔U+00354͔͔ \0354
Combining Right Arrowhead Below͕U+00355͕͕ \0355
Combining Right Arrowhead and Up Arrowhead Below͖U+00356͖͖ \0356
Combining Right Half Ring Above͗U+00357͗͗ \0357
Combining Dot Above Right͘U+00358͘͘ \0358
Combining Asterisk Below͙U+00359͙͙ \0359
Combining Double Ring Below͚U+0035A͚͚ \035A
Combining Zigzag Above͛U+0035B͛͛ \035B
Combining Double Breve Below͜U+0035C͜͜ \035C
Combining Double Breve͝U+0035D͝͝ \035D
Combining Double Macron͞U+0035E͞͞ \035E
Combining Double Macron Below͟U+0035F͟͟ \035F
Combining Double Tilde͠U+00360͠͠ \0360
Combining Double Inverted Breve͡U+00361͡͡ \0361
Combining Double Rightwards Arrow Below͢U+00362͢͢ \0362
Combining Latin Small Letter AͣU+00363ͣͣ \0363
Combining Latin Small Letter EͤU+00364ͤͤ \0364
Combining Latin Small Letter IͥU+00365ͥͥ \0365
Combining Latin Small Letter OͦU+00366ͦͦ \0366
Combining Latin Small Letter UͧU+00367ͧͧ \0367
Combining Latin Small Letter CͨU+00368ͨͨ \0368
Combining Latin Small Letter DͩU+00369ͩͩ \0369
Combining Latin Small Letter HͪU+0036Aͪͪ \036A
Combining Latin Small Letter MͫU+0036Bͫͫ \036B
Combining Latin Small Letter RͬU+0036Cͬͬ \036C
Combining Latin Small Letter TͭU+0036Dͭͭ \036D
Combining Latin Small Letter VͮU+0036Eͮͮ \036E
Combining Latin Small Letter XͯU+0036Fͯͯ \036F